Speaker Biography

Prof. Lingyan Shi
UC San Diego, USA

Lingyan Shi's research focuses on developing high-resolution, high-speed multimodal microscopy and its applications for studying metabolic dynamics in aging and diseases. She discovered the "Golden Window" for deep tissue imaging and developed the metabolic imaging platforms including "DO-SRS" and "STRIDE". Shi group at UCSD transformed SRS into a super-resolution multiplex microscopy using A-PoD and PRM algorithms, uncovering lipid metabolic dynamics in the brain and fat tissues during aging processes. Dr. Shi holds 8 pending and 7 awarded patents. She received the Blavatnik Regional Award for Young Scientist in 2018, the Hellman Fellowship Award in 2021-2022, the "Rising Star Award" from Nature Light Science & Applications in 2021, the "Advancing Bioimaging Scialog Fellow" by RCSA and CZI, the "David L. William Lecture & Scholarship" Award from the Kern Lipid Conference, and the "Sloan Research Fellow" Award in Chemistry in 2023.