Submit an Abstract

HKU students, and postdoctoral fellows involved in BME research are encouraged to submit an abstract for poster presentation. This exceptional opportunity will allow you to present your project to an esteemed audience of over 200 delegates from around the globe. Among the attendees are key academics in the field of biomedical engineering, distinguished scientists, promising researchers, as well as influential government and industry representatives.

Submit an Abstract

General Information

  • All HKU students, and postdoctoral fellows involved in BME research are encouraged to submit an abstract for poster presentation
  • The presenting author must complete the submission online via the abstract submission form
  • Abstract submission outside the online abstract submission form will NOT be accepted
  • Research that has been published or presented at any national or international meetings prior to this Symposium is discouraged
  • Abstract submission deadline is 12:00 noon on 31 March 2024 (Sunday)
  • Authors of selected abstracts will receive a confirmation email by mid of April 2024
  • The presenting author is required to register by 15 April 2024 (Monday) to confirm his/her participation in the poster presentation
  • Accepted abstracts will be published on the programme book as submitted, and the programme book will be distributed to the participants at the Symposium. Changes to abstracts will not be accepted after the submission deadline
  • The organizers reserve the right to make minor editorial changes on the abstracts
  • Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of the paper, if any, is the responsibility of the presenters
  • Please note that your abstract will be uploaded and open for viewing at the Symposium venue

Organization of Abstract

  • Title of abstract: please capitalize the first letter of each noun
  • Author list: Surname, First/Middle initial(s); underline the name of the presenting author
  • Affiliation list: Institution, City, State/Province, Country
  • The text must be organized in single-spaced paragraphs without indent as follows:
    1. Objectives
    2. Methods
    3. Results
    4. Conclusions
  • The abstract, excluding title and author and affiliation lists, should be no more than 300 words
  • The abstract should NOT include tables or figures
  • Abstract should be typed single-spaced using 12-point font of Times New Roman and saved in MS Word format
  • Abstract submissions and presentations should be in English

Criteria for Evaluation of Abstracts

40 abstracts will be selected for poster presentations (3 minutes + 1 minute Q&A) based on the following criterion:

  • Originality of the project or research
  • Appropriateness of the methods
  • Validity of the results and conclusions
  • Clarity of the presentation
  • Utility of the data and / or significance of the work


Four best presenters will each receive a cash prize of HK$1,200.


For abstract submission enquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat:

Ms. Mandy Choi
Conference Secretariat
BME International Symposium 2024

Tel: (852) 2155 8557